Most Unique Trucker Tool - When Truckers Need to Go they Get a SafetyPass Pro

This Unique Device Provides Maximum Rated RPM in Highest Gear of most 6-18 speed Automatic and Manual Transmissions without reprogramming the ECM (engine control module). Passwords are NEVER required.

Simple to Operate. Pre-set device before use, no further adjustment required. Activate with one push of a button when more speed is needed. Gain speed instantly by pushing down on the throttle pedal.

Fits Most Class 6 thru 8 trucks. Not for pick-up trucks.

Turning down a truck looks good on paper, but it creates more problems than it solves. For any drivers still thinking about getting a safetypass pro. It works very well, and the time you save... It will pay for itself in a week!

The stress and aggravation you save is priceless. For more information on this product visit
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